Parking & Transportation



This procedure has been designed for the safety of our students when parents drop off or pick up children while ensuring a smooth traffic flow.

• The curbside will be a moving lane only. No parking will be allowed from 9:00 am to 9:30am and from 3:55 pm to 4:15 pm. We request that students be picked up by 4:05 pm. Students remaining past that time will be sent to the office.

• The flagpole area will be the ONLY loading/drop-off zone. This area will be marked by yellow lines and signs.

• In the morning, two to four designated patrol guards/valets will open car doors and assist children getting in or out of the vehicles. This will allow the driver to remain behind the wheel and ensure a timely traffic flow.

• For the safety of student patrol guards, only right turns are permitted when exiting the parking lot during peak traffic times when the safety patrol is on duty.

• If you are picking up more than one child, please make your child aware that if they are not by the flagpole area the first time, you will drive by again by use of the re-entry lane.

• Children will not be permitted to cross into the parking lot unattended. Parents will be asked to park in a proper parking spot, find their child, and cross with them to the parking lot in the marked crosswalk.

• Pedestrians should use the marked crosswalk to cross to and from the main building and parking lot. Safety patrol members will flag traffic at the office/parking lot crosswalk. Please follow their directions.

• Please do not use the bus loading/unloading zone adjacent to the upper floor for pick up/drop off of students. For the safety of students and necessary access for the busses this area is for bus transportation only.


District Transportation

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