Report an Absence

Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. It is important that you call the office whenever your student will be absent from school.

Call 425-408-5300

Attendance Policy

Daily Schedule

M/T/TH/F: 9:25 a.m. - 3:55 p.m.

9:25 a.m. – 2:25 p.m. - Early release Wednesdays

9:25 a.m. -12:25 p.m. - Early dismissal/Conference day schedule

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m - Office Hours

Children should not arrive at school before 9:05 a.m. School patrols and playground supervision are not provided until that time, and we cannot assume responsibility for the children's safety. Please make every effort to have your children in their classrooms by 9:25 a.m. Students arriving after the 9:25 bell are considered tardy.

School dismisses early most Wednesdays in order to provide instructional staff with opportunities for professional development and collaboration to further extend and improve instructional practices. Please refer to the district calendar for details.

Every day of school is important to your children. We encourage regular attendance. On the other hand, a child should not be sent to school if he/she shows any signs of illness. A temperature, taken orally, that is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever. Children should be fever-free, without fever reducing medication, for at least 24 hours before returning to school. All students well enough to come to school will be considered well enough to go outside for recesses.

It is required by state law to send a written excuse for absences and/or tardiness. We will accept phone calls or emails to the office as substitutes for written notes. Attendance calls should be made directly to the main office line, 425.408.5300, as soon as circumstances permit, and in all cases within two weeks of the absence. If no excuse is received within a two-week window, the absence will be recorded as “unexcused.”

Sunrise uses an auto-dialer computerized call system to notify parents of their student’s absence, if the office has not received a call, note, or email. Calls will be made starting mid-morning, based on attendance entered from the classroom, and excuses/information received by the office. To excuse/verify an absence, please call the main office at 425.408.5300. You may also email with attendance information or excuses.

Dismissal during School Hours
To ensure that a child is taken from school only by an authorized person, a note from home must be cleared through the school office and presented to his/her teacher before the child is released. Any student being dismissed prior to the regular dismissal time should be met in the office where the student must be "signed out" by the parent or guardian.

Leaving School Grounds
No one is to leave the school grounds without permission. All excused dismissals from school must be cleared through the office. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds while waiting for their bus in the afternoon or after arriving at school in the morning.


Attendance Email

Phone Number
