School Handbook
Sunrise Policy References & Overview
School Expectations
At Sunrise Elementary, we expect all members of the Sunrise community to SOAR:
- Strive to do your best
- Offer kindness
- Act responsibly
- Respect self and others
To help us all understand what it means to be kind, responsible, and respectful in a variety of settings we have devised a set of common expectations for behavior around the building.
Lunch Serving Area
Strive to do your best
- Always do your best work
- Ask for help when you need it
Offer kindness
- Help someone when asked
- Apologize if you hurt someone
- Congratulate others
- Smile and welcome each other
- Be a good partner
Act responsibly
- Keep your mask on (over your nose and mouth)
- Keep your desk/work area organized
- Turn your work in on time
- Clean up after yourself
Respect self and others
- Say please and thank you
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Raise your hand to ask a question
- Listen to others
- Follow voice level expectations given by your teacher
Strive to do your best
- Learn how to play games fairly and follow the rules of the game
- Problem solve by coming to a solution that works for everyone
Offer kindness
- Take turns and share
- Help each other
- Include others (notice students on the Buddy Bench)
- Be a good sport and encourage others
Act responsibly
- Follow mask expectations
- Make sure an adult is on the playground before entering
- Stay in designated play areas and where an adult can see you
- Get a pass from an adult if leaving the playground
Respect self and others
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Give each other room to move and play games
- Be polite (say please, thank you, and excuse me)
Strive to do your best
- Keep floors clean and dry
- Follow class bathroom plan
Offer kindness
- Use polite words (excuse me, sorry, thank you)
Act responsibly
- Make sure only 2 people are in the bathroom at one time
- Wash your hands
- Use bathroom products correctly
Respect self and others
- Respect the privacy of others
- Use Level 0 or 1 voice
Strive to do your best
- Straight line(s)
- Walk calmly at a steady pace
- Level 0 or 1 when going to specialist
Offer kindness
- Use polite words (excuse me, please, thank you)
Act responsibly
- Go straight to your destination
- Keep your backpack on your back
- Stay on the sidewalks and stairs
Respect self and others
- Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself
- Give younger students and visitors the right of way
Arrival & Attendance
- Attendance
- Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- Pre-Arranged Absences and Vacation Homework Policy
- Parking & Transportation
Daily Schedule
9:25 a.m.-3:55 pm.. . . . . . . . .K-5 M,T, Th, F
9:25 am – 2:25 pm . . . . . . . Early release Wednesdays
9:25 a.m. -12:35. . . . . . . . . . . .Early dismissal/Conference day schedule
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . .Office Hours
Children should not arrive at school before 9:05 a.m. School patrols and playground supervision are not
provided until that time, and we cannot assume responsibility for the children's safety. Please make every effort to have your children in their classrooms by 9:25 a.m. Students arriving after the 9:25 bell are considered tardy.
School dismisses early most Wednesdays in order to provide instructional staff with opportunities for
professional development and collaboration to further extend and improve instructional practices. Please refer to the district calendar for details.
Every day of school is important to your children. We encourage regular attendance. On the other hand, a child should not be sent to school if he/she shows any signs of illness. A temperature, taken orally, that
is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever. Children should be fever-free, without fever
reducing medication, for at least 24 hours before returning to school. All students well enough to come to school will be considered well enough to go outside for recesses.
It is required by state law to send a written excuse for absences and/or tardiness. We will accept
phone calls or emails to the office as substitutes for written notes. Attendance calls should be made
directly to the main office line, 425.408.5300, as soon as circumstances permit, and in all cases within
two weeks of the absence. If no excuse is received within a two-week window, the absence will be
recorded as “unexcused.”
Sunrise uses an auto-dialer computerized call system to notify parents of their student’s absence, if the
office has not received a call, note, or email. Calls will be made starting mid-morning, based on
attendance entered from the classroom, and excuses/information received by the office. To excuse/verify
an absence, please call the main office at 425.408.5300. You may also email the office manager,, or office secretary,, with attendance information or excuses.
Dismissal during School Hours
To ensure that a child is taken from school only by an authorized person, a note from home must be
cleared through the school office and presented to his/her teacher before the child is released. Any
student being dismissed prior to the regular dismissal time should be met in the office where the student must be "signed out" by the parent or guardian.
Leaving School Grounds
No one is to leave the school grounds without permission. All excused dismissals from school must be
cleared cleared through the office. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds while waiting for their bus in the afternoon or after arriving at school in the morning.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Strive to do your best
- Follow patrol and adult directions
- Stay on the walkways
Offer kindness
- Use polite words (excuse me, sorry, thank you)
- Include others in your conversations
Act responsibly
- Arrive at the appropriate time
- Enter/exit cars by the flagpole
- Cross at the crosswalks
- Got to your line-up area (K-1 in the gym, 3-5 on the upper field)
Respect self and others
- Follow adult directions
Pre-Arranged Absences and Vacation Homework Policy
Vacation Homework Policy
Public schools are now held accountable for learning according to state and federal
guidelines. Our foremost job is to make sure all students are well served in an
appropriate and timely manner. The teaching schedule at Sunrise is tightly packed with
little room for alterations to accommodate extended student absences. Classroom
teachers are rarely able to supply make-up work that adequately replaces the missed
learning experiences.
In the Classroom. Elementary education today incorporates considerably more
interactive processes that cannot be duplicated outside of the classroom setting. These
include student-to-student collaboration, small group work, hands-on learning,
discovery/inquiry experiences, and classroom discussion, as well as, interaction with
teachers and specialists.
Requests for Missed Work. It is not possible for the teacher to give the child or the
parent all the information required for that child to understand the lesson and/or
participate in the learning. Without having participated in the classroom learning, the
student would have difficulty doing the related follow-up assignment or related
homework. Moreover, teachers adjust their plans, based on classroom progress,
individual student need, special events, and testing schedules.
We recognize that some families will still choose to take vacations outside our district’s
scheduled vacation dates. Please understand, however, that teachers will not be able to
provide lesson materials or homework in advance and should not be expected to provide
an alternative assignment for extended vacation absences. Students may make up work
when they return, at the teacher’s discretion, but they will not be able to recreate the
shared classroom experience.
For all the above reasons, we would like to encourage parents to limit extended
voluntary absences whenever possible to scheduled school breaks.
Parking & Transportation
Picking Up/Dropping Off Procedures
This procedure has been designed for the safety of our students when parent drop off or pick up children while ensuring a smooth traffic flow.
• The curbside will be a moving lane only. No parking will be allowed from 9:00- 9:30 am and from 3:30 pm to 4:10 pm. We request that students be picked up by 4:10 pm. Students remaining past that time will be sent to the office.
• The flagpole area will be the ONLY loading/drop-off zone. This area will be marked by yellow lines and signs.
• In the morning, two to four designated patrol guards/valets will open car doors and assist children getting in or out of the vehicles. This will allow the driver to remain behind the wheel and ensure a timely traffic flow.
• For the safety of student patrol guards, only right turns are permitted when exiting the parking lot during peak traffic times when the safety patrol is on duty.
• If you are picking up more than one child, please make your child aware that if they are not by the flagpole area the first time, you will drive by again by use of the re-entry lane.
• Children will not be permitted to cross into the parking lot unattended. Parents will be asked to park in a proper parking spot, find their child, and cross with them to the parking lot in the marked crosswalk.
• Pedestrians should use the marked crosswalk to cross to and from the main building and parking lot. Safety patrol members will flag traffic at the office/parking lot crosswalk. Please follow their directions.
• Please do not use the bus loading/unloading zone adjacent to the upper floor for pick up/drop off of students. For the safety of students and necessary access for the busses this area is for bus transportation only.